Emergency Call
Worker Down
Reduce Risk
Bolt-on applications for Airsys.Cloud
Do you need extra from your subscription? Airsys.Cloud’s bolt on applications gives you the flexibility to include the additional solutions that you need when you need them.
Airsys.Cloud Lone Worker Protection
Worker Down
As soon as the cellular device is in a horizontal position for a defined period of time, an automatic emergency alert including the identity and location of the cellular device will be sent to the group.
Emergency Call
Pushing the Emergency Call Button causes an Alert to go to predefined users which includes the location of the alerting device. Additionally, a full duplex call is initiated between the parties.

Lone Worker
It is increasingly common for businesses to integrate lone worker services with their health and safety, security or governance, risk and compliance (GRC) policies to reduce risk to their organization and to their lone-working staff.

Contact Us
Our dedicated team of Broadband Push-to-Talk specialists are here to work with you to deliver your needs, whatever your requirements. Within the Broadband Push-to-Talk market, Airsys.Cloud has become an essential provider of telecommunications solutions. Discuss with our team today on how we can do more with what you have.